Develop Project Management Plan - Resources

'Develop Project Management Plan' belongs to 'Planning Process Group' and 'Project Integration Management' knowledge area.

It is one of the idiosyncrasies of the PMBOK ® (Fourth Edition) that what ever work you perform, you have to plan it before hand. The same concept is applied even to work involved in Planning Process Group.

We know that we create baselines and subsidiary plans in the Planning Process Group that ultimately become part of the Project Management Plan. Before we prepare a detailed subsidiary plan, we first do planning. However, for all the subsidiary plans except scope, cost and schedulemanagement plans, there are specific processes.

For example, in the Planning Process Group, before we perform the the processes (identify risks, perform qualitative risk analysis, perform quantitative risk analysis, plan risk responses) of risk management , we have a process titled 'Plan Risk Management' which creates Risk Management Plan. It is only after the development of risk management plan (as output of 'Plan Risk Management' process) that we perform the remaining processes (identify risks, perform qualitative risk analysis, perform quantitative risk analysis, plan risk responses) of risk management in Planning Process Group. In other words, we first develop Risk Management Plan, then we perform other processes of risk management in the Planning Process Group.

The same is true for all the subsidiary plans except Scope Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, and Cost Management Plan. These three plans do not have specific processes to create them. However, in the Planning Process Group, before entering to the processes meant to create scope,schedule, and cost baselines, you have to first plan them (by creating scope, schedule, and cost management plans).

According to PMBOK ® (Fourth Edition) Scope Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, and Cost Management Plan are created as part of 'Develop Project Management Plan' process. So you have 'Develop Project Management Plan' happening twice in the Planning Process Group, first in the start (to create Scope Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, and Cost Management Plan), and second, at the end (to create 'Project Management Plan').

An important point to note is that 'Develop Project Management Plan' is supposed to happen in the end of Planning Process Group because it is only after the performance of the remaining 19processes of the process group that you will get 'outputs from planning processes' which serves as input to 'Develop Project Management Plan' process.

Templates: (from PMdocs)
1. Scope Management Plan
2. Time/Schedule Management Plan
3. Cost Management Plan

Real Life Samples: 
A. Project - Department of Energy BMIS-FM Project (USA)
1. Scope Management Plan
2. Schedule Management Plan
3. Cost Management Plan

B. Project - Vote Call - California Secretary of State
1. Scope Management Plan
2. Schedule Management Plan
3. Cost Management Plan
Note: Scope Management Plan and Cost Management Plan of the VoteCall project are included inside the  Project Management Plan. Whereas Schedule Management Plan is incorporated asappendix. Scope Management Plan is at page 5 and Cost Management Plan is at page 9 of theProject Management Plan.
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